•  To Preach and teach God's words, '' The Bible''  To Consecrate Children, to Conduct Holy Communion Services, Funeral and Organize marriage Ceremonies. 
  • To arrange Bible Schools, Bible College and Institutions for the teaching and training of the Preachers, Evangelistic and Pastors.
  •  To Discourage the use of drugs in young peoples and make encouragement to bring them towards the word of God "The Bible" 
  • To establish educational Institution for the Children of those who are under privilege and less fortunate families who are desirous to impart good education to their children but they handicapped due to lack of resources. 
  • The affords will be made to provide dowry and other necessary articles for the marriage of Orphans and needy persons both male and female everywhere.To Provide help to the peoples affected natural disaster I.e. earthquake, flood.war,famine etc. 
  • To serve in health Sector for children and especially for old people in rural areas regarding their living and food necessities. 
  • To set up free dispensaries,hospital and medical lab for free medical treatment to the general public and also to provide blood bank and  ambulance service.